Studying Islamic Finance

السلام والازدهار العدالة المجتمعي
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Zanzibar Islamic Renaissance

The Financial Times is alarmed by the extremism they see on the rise in Zanzibar, the SouthEast African paradise.

Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organisations draw their thinking from Wahhabism. “We’re not happy with other sects like [Sunni hardline] Wahhabi – people who go to countries like Saudi Arabia; when they come back they want to change everything,” he says.
Past attempts to introduce Wahhabism have not been successful, says Jussa Ismail, a parliamentarian. “But it’s very difficult for the traditional madrassas that are in really poor shape to rival the influence of those who are being funded by foreigners and Wahhabi-based institutions,” he says.

Wait.  So the Financial Times is worried that the Saudi form of Islam is making for extremism in Zanzibar?  But isn't Saudi Arabia best friend to the Western powers?  Never mind it was Saudi Arabians who carried out the 9-11 attacks, and that OBLaden was a Saudi, otherwise they are our allies.  So how come here they are extremists?

According to the article, the USA is building madrasses also, to counteract the Saudi influence.  Is this not madness?

If you review the stats on Zanzibar, outside influence is having a baleful effect.  Why do we hate the freedom of people who desire to run their affairs their way?  Why not let the locals decide their polity?

At the same time, the Vatican is arguing for France to reject the modernism that the Islamic folk are rejecting in Zanzibar.

Christianity is dying a quick death where the USA forces invade, which may be intended.  Who knows who is actually killing the Christians, since Christian suffering helps sell USA invasions to USA Christians.  Christians and Moslems agree on many fundamental points.    A great act of revolution would be for Moslems to protect local Christians where USA invades.  In fact, this has happened in places like Egypt.

Given the string of madmen USA has had as leaders, USA influence worldwide is falling fast.  In its wake we might see the peace and prosperity that comes from free trade and tolerance.   We can only pray for these good results.

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