Studying Islamic Finance

السلام والازدهار العدالة المجتمعي
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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Economy, Russia & Demographics

Russia perceives a demographic problem, and answered it with a $9,000 bonus for each family having more than one child.  That payments have stopped, and the boom that went with it.

What kind of parents will produce for $9000?  What kind of kids do they raise?  It seems to me not the kind you want growing up and running the country.

Scientific racists are alarmed at the demographic victory being assured to those who work hard, support their families and care about their kids.  Catholic Mexicans and Moslems are the most fecund, and they will procreate their way to victory.  Their scripture assures them God is on their side.

Neither group needs a Government incentive to produce prodigious offspring.  It is simply love of family that urges them on.  Obtuse progressives believe it is ignorance and lack of a proper Government program that yields the demographic results.  Since progressives believe a lack of program leads to bad results, they equate no "plan" for these people with Malthusian results.

Where countries are blessed with growing populations, the prescription need not be a new plan, but an old plan, laissez faire, freedom, even anarchy.  Never mind developing a new plan, just give people freedom.  Protect property rights and tax minimally.  Let people arm to protect themselves, go Swiss in Government, or better yet, Hong Kong.  Reduce welfare progressively until it is gone.

Switzerland is a country of three natural enemies speaking a fourth language who've been free and prosperous for 800 years.  Hong Kong only has 200 some odd years, but in some ways has excelled Switzerland.

Here again the mass of Christians and Moslems have common cause:  freedom, peace and prosperity.

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